Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Seth Godins Linchpin idea in 9 minutes

If you're checking out this post right now, there's a good chance I just gave you a flier about this blog while you're standing in a ridiculously long line of people at a job fair.  Bored?  Sure you are.  Nervous?  Probably.  That person a few people ahead of you may have a much better resume' than you.  Or maybe not.  What does it take to get a great job in today's working environment?  Heck what does it take to get any job in today's working environment.  Seth Godin says it takes a "linchpin."

Who the heck is Seth Godin?  He's a marketing guy who dove into the world of the internet in its earliest days of the 1990's.  More than anything, Seth really understands how today's technology is changing the working world.  He gets it.  One of his books, Linchpin, talks about what type of person is really valuable in today's working world.  The video clip above gives you a quick look at this idea.  Now, look at that line in front of you again.  Do you have 9 minutes to listen?  This idea could totally change how you think about work.  Listen to this clip.  After that you can watch his full, 52 minute speech on You Tube, or even better, you could read the book.  It's worth it.

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