Sunday, February 21, 2016

Funny Panhandling Sign 13

OK, this sign came out of frustration.  Here in North Carolina, A LOT of people think that talking about Jesus to a panhandler is helpful.  I hate to burst your bubble, but it's not.  Nothing against Jesus himself, but every panhandler I ever met already knew who Jesus was.  Telling a homeless person that Jesus loves them doesn't help the immediate situation.  Sure, it's a nice sentiment, but when you drive away, that person is still homeless, pretty broke, and likely hungry.  Here's an idea, DO SOMETHING to actually help the situation.  Give them a dollar, a slice of the pizza you're taking home (that has actually happened to me), or just yell, "Hang in there, man!" 

The thing about The South is that a lot of people grew up thinking that some people actually deserve to be homeless.  Even worse, these Bible thumping Christians talk to homeless people in a completely condescending way.  The Christians I met while on the streets completely turned me off to organized religion.  I still believed in God, but I didn't want to go to church ever again because I was so sick of religious people talking down to me.  It was a long time before I started going to church again.  The point here?  Telling a down and out person about Jesus doesn't put them to work.  You may actually turn someone completely off to religion by "witnessing" to them.  If helping the homeless isn't your thing, fine, leave them alone.  If you do want to help, a little food, or a simple "Hi" is a good place to start.  See if you can help their immediate situation.  THEN invite them to your church.

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